Awesome Dudes

Did the skull with the jeff cap  Steve, and the bird with the shotgun on Ralph for his birthday a lil while back...Ralph is one half of Awesome Dudes Printing. They do all of our t-shirts here at Kadillac. And Ralph is super to deal with, even you jam him up and make him re-work your crazy design, and he thinks you only want six shirts. 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Rose and Skull

Customer surprised me by bringing in a lino-print she had bought off me a year before, that she had purchased at the semi-annual Punk Rock Flea Market...wanted something similar..


Groucho Marx skull on Pete


Customer brought in the art from a picture of some air-brushing he found on the interweb...

Start for Ziga

Started this a few months back on my good buddy Jeff. We've done more since this initial bit..I'll get more on here when I get some photos

Young America

The paintings are a bit more recent..the tattoos are from a few years back..The lotus is a cover-up..the sparrow is from flash..not a bad choice

Rollo Flash

Courtesy of The Baltimore Tattoo Museum

I get to travel..Bali..

 Probably the best place I was fortunate enough to travel to was Bali ...Will be returning very soon..
 oh.. and dont go to Hell in Bali..cuz this is what happens..

I get to travel a bit...Australia...

 I've been to Australia twice in the past 3 years... Always making new friends..
Me and Angry Anderson. Awesome to meet and chat with for a bit. He was one of my earliest memories of someone I saw that was covered in tattoos, ..that , and I knew never wanted to go to Bartertown.


 Pair of Phillies Phanatic heads on two good friends, Paul and John.
And a painting done a while back for a group show in Philly.

Peacock Dress

Did this on Anna a while back, summerish I think. Anna ,and her husband Pat, are in the band Creepoid. They should be on their way to SXSW right now...Creepoid
The design is from an Aubrey Beardsley drawing..I bought a book of his work from an antique store a week before she asked for the tattoo..good timing?


Did this tattoo a while back on a good friend Alex. Alex sings in the punk band "Leather"..They have a new 7" coming out on  Jade Tree Records..check it out    Leather

Devil Head

Just gettin this blog started..will post the more recent tattoos and paintings from the past year..hope you dig it.